Our Story

Our Story

Based in regional Victoria - Ballarat, we created Garage79 in 2013 out of need for good quality apparel with tasteful designs that we wanted to wear.

As you can tell our designs are inspired by a love of cars and when we remember our childhood, it’s about the cars.... the ones our Dads owned.  We found it hard to find a good quality T'shirt with a quality design, in particular a tasteful car design that reflected the quality of the cars we loved.   

We thought we could offer something different.... something that we would be proud to wear and showed our love of cars.  So we started Garage79... and now we have an endless supply of quality car apparel.

All of the designs are created by us; they are our interpretation of the car.  We believe the more character a car has the more interesting it is, the type of car you love shows a lot about you personality - are you a Kombi or a Porsche kind of person? Our designs allow you to show off your personality and passion.

You don’t have to be a car lover to enjoy our designs or enjoy wearing them. Our T’shirts make legendary gifts, they are always well received, brilliant for the guy who has everything or wants nothing.

We hope you enjoy our designs and apparel.

G79 Team 


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